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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Reverse Forward Motor Power & Controlling Connection -02

 Reverse Forward Motor Power & Controlling Connection -02

How to REV-FWD a 3-Phase Motor Using DOL Starter? (2 Directions, 1 Speed)

The reverse forward motor control operation is used to operate a three-phase motor in both forward and reverse directions. This type of control is commonly used in industrial and commercial applications where there is a need to change the direction of rotation of a motor.

The reverse forward motor control operation can be achieved using various methods, including using a contactor and relay. In this article, we will discuss the reverse forward motor control operation of a three-phase motor using direct-on-line (DOL) starter based on two contactor and a relay.

Working of the Circuit

The reverse forward direction of a motor can be achieved using two contactor (K1 & K2) and relay. The K1 contactor is used to switch the three-phase power supply to the motor and run in clockwise direction. The K2 contactor is used to run the motor in anti-clock wise direction. The relay is used to control the direction of rotation i.e. It changes the two lines supply out of three lines to the motor which is must to use to change the direction of rotation of the motor.

When the forward operation contacts of the relay are energized, they close, and the contactor K1 is activated, causing the motor to run in the forward direction. The three-phase power supply (via L1, L2 & L3) is applied to the motor’s U, V, and W terminals, causing the motor to rotate in the clockwise direction.

When the reverse operation contacts of the relay are energized, they close, and the normally closed auxiliary contact of the contactor opens. This activates the reverse contactor K2 coil, causing the motor to run in the reverse direction. The three-phase power supply is now applied to the motor’s W, V, and U terminals, causing the motor to rotate in the counterclockwise direction.

The control circuit of the contactor and relay can be connected to a control device such as a switch or a PLC to control the direction of the motor. When the switch or PLC provides a signal to the control circuit, it energizes the corresponding operation contacts of the relay, causing the motor to run in the desired direction.

The following are the wiring, power, and control circuit diagrams used to change the direction of the motor in clockwise and counterclockwise (anti-clock) directions.

 Reverse Forward Motor Power & Controlling Connection -02

How to REV-FWD a 3-Phase Motor Using DOL Starter? (2 Directions, 1 Speed)

The reverse forward motor control operation is used to operate a three-phase motor in both forward and reverse directions. This type of control is commonly used in industrial and commercial applications where there is a need to change the direction of rotation of a motor.

The reverse forward motor control operation can be achieved using various methods, including using a contactor and relay. In this article, we will discuss the reverse forward motor control operation of a three-phase motor using direct-on-line (DOL) starter based on two contactor and a relay.

Working of the Circuit

The reverse forward direction of a motor can be achieved using two contactor (K1 & K2) and relay. The K1 contactor is used to switch the three-phase power supply to the motor and run in clockwise direction. The K2 contactor is used to run the motor in anti-clock wise direction. The relay is used to control the direction of rotation i.e. It changes the two lines supply out of three lines to the motor which is must to use to change the direction of rotation of the motor.

When the forward operation contacts of the relay are energized, they close, and the contactor K1 is activated, causing the motor to run in the forward direction. The three-phase power supply (via L1, L2 & L3) is applied to the motor’s U, V, and W terminals, causing the motor to rotate in the clockwise direction.

When the reverse operation contacts of the relay are energized, they close, and the normally closed auxiliary contact of the contactor opens. This activates the reverse contactor K2 coil, causing the motor to run in the reverse direction. The three-phase power supply is now applied to the motor’s W, V, and U terminals, causing the motor to rotate in the counterclockwise direction.

The control circuit of the contactor and relay can be connected to a control device such as a switch or a PLC to control the direction of the motor. When the switch or PLC provides a signal to the control circuit, it energizes the corresponding operation contacts of the relay, causing the motor to run in the desired direction.

The following are the wiring, power, and control circuit diagrams used to change the direction of the motor in clockwise and counterclockwise (anti-clock) directions.

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