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Friday, June 2, 2023

on video How to Build a Voltage Doubler Circuit

 This voltage doubling effect is achieved through the use of capacitors. We use individuals capacitors to charge up to the input voltage. The first capacitor charges up to the input voltage of the circuit. The second capacitor has a successive effect.

DC-DC Voltage Doubler (simplest Possible Circuit)

This voltage doubler circuit uses a DPDT switch to alternately charge 2 series connected capacitors. The main purpose of this circuit is to illustrate the principle of operation of switched-capacitor voltage multipliers. Other applications are up to you !

SW1: double pole double throw switch (DPDT)

C1-C2: 2200uF electrolytic capacitors (voltage & capacity according to application)

Bat: (any battery)

Led1: (green led for this demo)

R1: (1K for this demo)

How to Make a Voltage Multiplier

This instructable will tell you how to make a voltage multiplier! So, lets get started :)

Here is some info about voltage multipliers if you want to know how they work. If not, then skip to the parts list.

Definition - "A voltage multiplier is an electrical circuit that converts AC electrical power from a lower voltage to a higher DC voltage by means of capacitors and diodes combined into a network." - Wikipedia

My definition - Voltage multipliers rectify low voltage AC to high voltage DC (pulsed). It uses a series of capacitors and diodes to simultaneously step up and rectify the AC to DC. Most of its uses are obviously applications that require high voltages...

     The type of multiplier we will be making is called a 'half-wave' multiplier. I think its the simplest, yet efficient for my purposes. full-wave multipliers are more efficient in the sense that, there is less ripple voltage. Basically, ripple = bad, bad = Less current and voltage out. A voltage multiplier consists of 'stages' each stage doubles the peak output of the ACinput. the more stages, the higher the voltage. In this 'ible, I only make a 2 and 3 stage multiplier because my breadboard isn't big enough to support that and its not even rated for that voltage anyway :P


The following is the parts required for building the EXACT replica of my voltage multiplier. you can easily modify to your needs though. Like add more stages and stuff...

six 330VDC 80uF capacitors (you can get them from the single use cameras at wal-mart.)

seven 1A 400v (minimum) diodes (1N4004)

A breadboard, (or something to mount the components)

22 AWG jumper wire or just regular solid 22 AWG wire.

A wall wart- 16VAC or equivalent. (750ma)

misc alligator clips (for temporary testing)


Multimeter (for testing purposes)

wire snips (to take off the insulation on the wire)

try to follow the pictures the best you can, I took so many pictures so that I could explain in the photo instead of words because it will become WAY to confusing if I was saying the letters and number pins the you put the components in.

Make sure that each side of capacitors is linked in series like so: Pos + to Neg - Pos + to neg -

The very first diode goes from ground to the Pos + of C1, then from the Pos + of C1to the Pos + of C2, Pos + of C2 to the Pos + of C3 and so on...

Now we are going to prepare the wall wart. Make sure you know which wire is HOT and the other is NEUTRAL first!!! Strip about a half inch of insulation on each wire then attach the alligator clips.

The easiest thing to do is look at the pictures... I detailed them the best I could.

connect the alligator clip ends to the AC input (the Wall wart ones!) and connect 2 alligator clips to the HV out and ground to the multimeter. Turn on the power and your done!! the multimeter should display roughly the AC input 3 * to DC output.

Thank you for reading My instructable!! If you have any comments or suggestions the feel free to post! If you need help you can post it here or PM me. Thanks again!

 This voltage doubling effect is achieved through the use of capacitors. We use individuals capacitors to charge up to the input voltage. The first capacitor charges up to the input voltage of the circuit. The second capacitor has a successive effect.

DC-DC Voltage Doubler (simplest Possible Circuit)

This voltage doubler circuit uses a DPDT switch to alternately charge 2 series connected capacitors. The main purpose of this circuit is to illustrate the principle of operation of switched-capacitor voltage multipliers. Other applications are up to you !

SW1: double pole double throw switch (DPDT)

C1-C2: 2200uF electrolytic capacitors (voltage & capacity according to application)

Bat: (any battery)

Led1: (green led for this demo)

R1: (1K for this demo)

How to Make a Voltage Multiplier

This instructable will tell you how to make a voltage multiplier! So, lets get started :)

Here is some info about voltage multipliers if you want to know how they work. If not, then skip to the parts list.

Definition - "A voltage multiplier is an electrical circuit that converts AC electrical power from a lower voltage to a higher DC voltage by means of capacitors and diodes combined into a network." - Wikipedia

My definition - Voltage multipliers rectify low voltage AC to high voltage DC (pulsed). It uses a series of capacitors and diodes to simultaneously step up and rectify the AC to DC. Most of its uses are obviously applications that require high voltages...

     The type of multiplier we will be making is called a 'half-wave' multiplier. I think its the simplest, yet efficient for my purposes. full-wave multipliers are more efficient in the sense that, there is less ripple voltage. Basically, ripple = bad, bad = Less current and voltage out. A voltage multiplier consists of 'stages' each stage doubles the peak output of the ACinput. the more stages, the higher the voltage. In this 'ible, I only make a 2 and 3 stage multiplier because my breadboard isn't big enough to support that and its not even rated for that voltage anyway :P


The following is the parts required for building the EXACT replica of my voltage multiplier. you can easily modify to your needs though. Like add more stages and stuff...

six 330VDC 80uF capacitors (you can get them from the single use cameras at wal-mart.)

seven 1A 400v (minimum) diodes (1N4004)

A breadboard, (or something to mount the components)

22 AWG jumper wire or just regular solid 22 AWG wire.

A wall wart- 16VAC or equivalent. (750ma)

misc alligator clips (for temporary testing)


Multimeter (for testing purposes)

wire snips (to take off the insulation on the wire)

try to follow the pictures the best you can, I took so many pictures so that I could explain in the photo instead of words because it will become WAY to confusing if I was saying the letters and number pins the you put the components in.

Make sure that each side of capacitors is linked in series like so: Pos + to Neg - Pos + to neg -

The very first diode goes from ground to the Pos + of C1, then from the Pos + of C1to the Pos + of C2, Pos + of C2 to the Pos + of C3 and so on...

Now we are going to prepare the wall wart. Make sure you know which wire is HOT and the other is NEUTRAL first!!! Strip about a half inch of insulation on each wire then attach the alligator clips.

The easiest thing to do is look at the pictures... I detailed them the best I could.

connect the alligator clip ends to the AC input (the Wall wart ones!) and connect 2 alligator clips to the HV out and ground to the multimeter. Turn on the power and your done!! the multimeter should display roughly the AC input 3 * to DC output.

Thank you for reading My instructable!! If you have any comments or suggestions the feel free to post! If you need help you can post it here or PM me. Thanks again!

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