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Monday, July 24, 2023

on video Useful Circuits. 02. 3.8 Kw alternating current regulator

 Useful Circuits. 02. 3.8 Kw alternating current regulator


Tutorial to build an AC REGULATOR.

Also known as a "speed governor" because of how much it is used to regulate the speed of alternating current motors.

Like all the circuits in this series of videos: CHECKED CIRCUIT.

This circuit allows us to power a device with a variable voltage, from practically zero to the maximum voltage applied (125 or 240 volts). We can make a lamp shine with a variable intensity. Rotate a motor with a variable speed. That a heating resistance reaches more or less temperature...

The maximum power that this circuit will be able to manage is variable depending on the chosen triac. In this video we have chosen a BTB16 triac that is capable of supporting up to 16 amps, which at 240 volts is almost 4000 watts, well above what we usually need. This is an "insurance" against breakage of the triac that will work in very favorable conditions.

 Useful Circuits. 02. 3.8 Kw alternating current regulator


Tutorial to build an AC REGULATOR.

Also known as a "speed governor" because of how much it is used to regulate the speed of alternating current motors.

Like all the circuits in this series of videos: CHECKED CIRCUIT.

This circuit allows us to power a device with a variable voltage, from practically zero to the maximum voltage applied (125 or 240 volts). We can make a lamp shine with a variable intensity. Rotate a motor with a variable speed. That a heating resistance reaches more or less temperature...

The maximum power that this circuit will be able to manage is variable depending on the chosen triac. In this video we have chosen a BTB16 triac that is capable of supporting up to 16 amps, which at 240 volts is almost 4000 watts, well above what we usually need. This is an "insurance" against breakage of the triac that will work in very favorable conditions.

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