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Saturday, November 4, 2023

on video If you're tired of buying batteries, this is the circuit you need

 If you're tired of buying batteries, this is the circuit you need

In the section “Predicting the direction of the spontaneous evolution of a chemical system”

CRITERION OF SPONTANEOUS EVOLUTION of a system out of chemical equilibrium. Q less than K

(Reaction quotient Q less than the equilibrium constant K = direct direction)

SPONTANEOUS transformation modeled by a redox reaction.

Battery, half-cells, salt bridge or membrane, no-load voltage.

How a battery works; electrochemical reactions at the electrodes.

Wear of a battery, electrical capacity of a battery.

Usual oxidants and reducers.

Justify the strategy of separating the reagents in two half-piles and the use of a salt bridge.

Model and diagram, based on experimental results, the operation of a battery.

Determine the electrical capacity of a battery based on its initial constitution.

Create a battery, determine its no-load voltage and the polarity of the electrodes, identify the transformation involved, illustrate the role of the salt bridge.

What the video does not say: Name common oxidants and reducers: bleach, dioxygen, dichlor, ascorbic acid, dihydrogen, metals.

Justify the reductive nature of block s metals.

 If you're tired of buying batteries, this is the circuit you need

In the section “Predicting the direction of the spontaneous evolution of a chemical system”

CRITERION OF SPONTANEOUS EVOLUTION of a system out of chemical equilibrium. Q less than K

(Reaction quotient Q less than the equilibrium constant K = direct direction)

SPONTANEOUS transformation modeled by a redox reaction.

Battery, half-cells, salt bridge or membrane, no-load voltage.

How a battery works; electrochemical reactions at the electrodes.

Wear of a battery, electrical capacity of a battery.

Usual oxidants and reducers.

Justify the strategy of separating the reagents in two half-piles and the use of a salt bridge.

Model and diagram, based on experimental results, the operation of a battery.

Determine the electrical capacity of a battery based on its initial constitution.

Create a battery, determine its no-load voltage and the polarity of the electrodes, identify the transformation involved, illustrate the role of the salt bridge.

What the video does not say: Name common oxidants and reducers: bleach, dioxygen, dichlor, ascorbic acid, dihydrogen, metals.

Justify the reductive nature of block s metals.

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