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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Make a walkie talkie with a range of 5 km # 400 MHz UHF band

 Make a walkie talkie with a range of 5 km # 400 MHz UHF band

In this video you will find a transmitter to cover a long distance and a proper receiver to collect data from that transmitter, by data I mean only voice receive. In India, citizen band (CB) radio frequencies range from 26.957 MHz to 27.283 MHz

And whose power should be limited to four watts. This article is not responsible if you accidentally tune the wrong frequency when you build this radio and if you face any legal problems. This is just an educational information.

I try to make a 27 megahertz transmitter and receiver.

 and this is CV Radio this radio is only legal

 so this is very important to maintain the frequency when you are building it.

note: if you make the correct antenna and your transmitter is properly resonant then you can communicate between longer distances with this transmitter.

 my receiver has a few problems but still, this is workable because my receiver does not superheterodyne receiving process.

that is why this receiver does not have a limitation for Gane.

so except for this problem, you can communicate with each other

 Make a walkie talkie with a range of 5 km # 400 MHz UHF band

In this video you will find a transmitter to cover a long distance and a proper receiver to collect data from that transmitter, by data I mean only voice receive. In India, citizen band (CB) radio frequencies range from 26.957 MHz to 27.283 MHz

And whose power should be limited to four watts. This article is not responsible if you accidentally tune the wrong frequency when you build this radio and if you face any legal problems. This is just an educational information.

I try to make a 27 megahertz transmitter and receiver.

 and this is CV Radio this radio is only legal

 so this is very important to maintain the frequency when you are building it.

note: if you make the correct antenna and your transmitter is properly resonant then you can communicate between longer distances with this transmitter.

 my receiver has a few problems but still, this is workable because my receiver does not superheterodyne receiving process.

that is why this receiver does not have a limitation for Gane.

so except for this problem, you can communicate with each other

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