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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Handmade Air Conditioner – Make a small air conditioner for your room!!

 Handmade Air Conditioner – Make a small air conditioner for your room!!

 In this video I made a mini air conditioner with copper pipes, a 12 V fan and a membrane pump. In this cooler I used butane gas. Note that it requires a 12V compressor for actual operation.

It's too hot, but air conditioning is too expensive and it pollutes, here's a miracle solution, quick and inexpensive to freshen up the air a little in a room that's not too big.

For this trick, you will need a fan and a frozen water bottle.

All you have to do is turn on the fan and then place the bottle in front of it. The frozen water bottle will refresh the air released by the propeller and diffuse it throughout the room. You can also place your bottle in a small container to prevent any drops of water on the bottle from dripping onto your table or desk.

Your room will therefore be refreshed for a few hours, which will give you time to put one bottle back in the freezer in order to swap it with the first once the water has melted.

 Handmade Air Conditioner – Make a small air conditioner for your room!!

 In this video I made a mini air conditioner with copper pipes, a 12 V fan and a membrane pump. In this cooler I used butane gas. Note that it requires a 12V compressor for actual operation.

It's too hot, but air conditioning is too expensive and it pollutes, here's a miracle solution, quick and inexpensive to freshen up the air a little in a room that's not too big.

For this trick, you will need a fan and a frozen water bottle.

All you have to do is turn on the fan and then place the bottle in front of it. The frozen water bottle will refresh the air released by the propeller and diffuse it throughout the room. You can also place your bottle in a small container to prevent any drops of water on the bottle from dripping onto your table or desk.

Your room will therefore be refreshed for a few hours, which will give you time to put one bottle back in the freezer in order to swap it with the first once the water has melted.

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