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Monday, February 26, 2024

on video Safe electronic device's from high voltage | DOB make high voltage protection

Safe electronic device's from high voltage | DOB make high voltage protection
Electrical Protection Device for Home
In this video, we are going to learn about RCBO and Voltage Protection Device, this two device will give you Complete Electrical Protection from
1. Electric Shock
2. Over voltage
3.Under voltage
4. Over current
5.Earth fault
6.Short Circuit
Watch the complete video to learn more about it
Metal oxide varistors, or MOVs, are a commonly used overvoltage protection device that is placed in parallel with the load. Under normal operation, MOVs have a high resistance, but during high voltage transients they quickly change to a low resistance state and being conducting current to clamp the voltage to a safe level to prevent damage to the system.
However, MOV performance degrades with each transient event, and many systems experience small transients that do not require protection but do prematurely age the MOV, leading to early failure.
Eaton Bussmann series MOVGTs are hybrid devices combining a GDT in series with an MOV to prevent premature aging and enhanced protection and can be used as a drop-in replacement for basic MOVs.
With the MOVGT, the GDT isolates the MOV from small transients that are negligible to the overall system due to their short duration and low energy. This prevents unnecessary and premature aging of the MOV without exposing the system to damage overvoltage.
When a large transient occurs, the GDT activates and allows the MOV to clamp the voltage, providing the necessary protection to prevent damage to the system.
The hybrid architecture of the MOVGT also provides enhanced protection. Where a typical 20 millimeter MOV can only withstand three 5000 amp 8 by 20 microsecond surge events, a 20 millimeter MOVGT can withstand 20 of these events as well as forty 10 kilovolt and 5000 amp surge events.
Eaton’s Bussmann series MOVGTs are UL certified devices offered in radial led packages with disc sizes from 7 to 20 millimeters and recommended maximum continuous operating voltage ratings from 55 to 560 volts.


Safe electronic device's from high voltage | DOB make high voltage protection
Electrical Protection Device for Home
In this video, we are going to learn about RCBO and Voltage Protection Device, this two device will give you Complete Electrical Protection from
1. Electric Shock
2. Over voltage
3.Under voltage
4. Over current
5.Earth fault
6.Short Circuit
Watch the complete video to learn more about it
Metal oxide varistors, or MOVs, are a commonly used overvoltage protection device that is placed in parallel with the load. Under normal operation, MOVs have a high resistance, but during high voltage transients they quickly change to a low resistance state and being conducting current to clamp the voltage to a safe level to prevent damage to the system.
However, MOV performance degrades with each transient event, and many systems experience small transients that do not require protection but do prematurely age the MOV, leading to early failure.
Eaton Bussmann series MOVGTs are hybrid devices combining a GDT in series with an MOV to prevent premature aging and enhanced protection and can be used as a drop-in replacement for basic MOVs.
With the MOVGT, the GDT isolates the MOV from small transients that are negligible to the overall system due to their short duration and low energy. This prevents unnecessary and premature aging of the MOV without exposing the system to damage overvoltage.
When a large transient occurs, the GDT activates and allows the MOV to clamp the voltage, providing the necessary protection to prevent damage to the system.
The hybrid architecture of the MOVGT also provides enhanced protection. Where a typical 20 millimeter MOV can only withstand three 5000 amp 8 by 20 microsecond surge events, a 20 millimeter MOVGT can withstand 20 of these events as well as forty 10 kilovolt and 5000 amp surge events.
Eaton’s Bussmann series MOVGTs are UL certified devices offered in radial led packages with disc sizes from 7 to 20 millimeters and recommended maximum continuous operating voltage ratings from 55 to 560 volts.


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