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Saturday, June 10, 2023

on video Electric Kettle Wiring Diagram/ Electric Kettle Wire Connection/ Water Heater Jug Electrical Circuit

 Today electric kettles  are one of the most used appliances in every modern home and are used to boil and worm water beverages and much more .there fore in this video am going to walk you through the major parts found in this appliance that will help you do repair in case 

By running an electric current through a metal coil, the resistance of the material heats it up. That way, the water starts boiling - thanks to the electric energy being transferred.

Flat-bottomed electric kettles may be easier to clean, but are also more noisy than their exposed-coil brethren. Still, some cleaning vinegar can really clean up your kettle (just make sure you rinse it properly before making a cup of tea).

Did you know that electric kettles are hardly used in the Sri Lanka because of voltage? Because most homes in the US get 180-230 volts from their sockets, in many other countries that is about double; 100-200 volts. Because of the lower voltages electric kettles wouldn't heat water as fast as they would elsewhere. That way they just did not catch on in the States and the stove-top kettle is still preferred there.

 Today electric kettles  are one of the most used appliances in every modern home and are used to boil and worm water beverages and much more .there fore in this video am going to walk you through the major parts found in this appliance that will help you do repair in case 

By running an electric current through a metal coil, the resistance of the material heats it up. That way, the water starts boiling - thanks to the electric energy being transferred.

Flat-bottomed electric kettles may be easier to clean, but are also more noisy than their exposed-coil brethren. Still, some cleaning vinegar can really clean up your kettle (just make sure you rinse it properly before making a cup of tea).

Did you know that electric kettles are hardly used in the Sri Lanka because of voltage? Because most homes in the US get 180-230 volts from their sockets, in many other countries that is about double; 100-200 volts. Because of the lower voltages electric kettles wouldn't heat water as fast as they would elsewhere. That way they just did not catch on in the States and the stove-top kettle is still preferred there.

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