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Saturday, December 31, 2022

on video The brilliant engineering of Mecanum wheels!

 The brilliant engineering of Mecanum wheels!

Robots or industrial machines equipped with Mecanum wheels can perform a 180 degree turn without taking much space, while a normal forklift takes a lot of space and time to complete the same task. Let's examine this perfect sideways movement of Mecanum wheeled machines. This would be tedious to achieve with normal wheels. Mecanum wheeled contraptions pull off all these crazy moves, but their wheels never tilt. Let us see how Mr. Bengt Erland Ilon came to this brilliant achievement.

 The brilliant engineering of Mecanum wheels!

Robots or industrial machines equipped with Mecanum wheels can perform a 180 degree turn without taking much space, while a normal forklift takes a lot of space and time to complete the same task. Let's examine this perfect sideways movement of Mecanum wheeled machines. This would be tedious to achieve with normal wheels. Mecanum wheeled contraptions pull off all these crazy moves, but their wheels never tilt. Let us see how Mr. Bengt Erland Ilon came to this brilliant achievement.

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